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We focus on Mental Health and well-being....


(We are Clinical Psychologists so you know you are getting the best care... )

Couples therapy?

Couples therapy?

Our Holland Park psychologist, Dr Rana Woodward is an experienced couples therapist.... Phone Rana on 0401 495 327 to book an appointment



Pre/post transition? Certain/uncertain? Let us support you in your journey. Our Bulimba psychologist, Belinda has many years of experience working with adult trans clients and is very passionate about this area... 18+ only Phone (07) 3191 6080 to book an appointment..

Mental Health & LGBTIQ?

Mental Health & LGBTIQ?

We have many years of experience ... Come and see us.... We ensure a safe, non-judgemental space..

Feeling depressed or anxious?

Feeling depressed or anxious?

Come and see us... Our Holland Park psychologist, Rana has helped many people struggling with depression and anxiety... You don't have to do it alone. Phone Rana on 0401 495 327

Gender concerns...?

Gender concerns...?

Gender dysphoria/confusion/questioning? Transgender? Non-binary? We understand and have many years of experience in this area.... Let us support you in your journey.. Phone and make an appointment with our Bulimba Psychologist, Belinda..18+ only

Royal Commission?

Royal Commission?

Our Bulimba Psychologist, Belinda has seen many people that are seeking support following the Royal Commission. She is also listed on the trauma directory as a therapist on the Australian Psychological Society's website.

Losing your mind?

Losing your mind?

Book an appointment.. We can help... :)

Relationship Issues?

Relationship Issues?

Feeling discarded? Or worthless? Come and see our professional psychologists and confirm what is really going on... Our Holland Park Psychologist Dr Rana Woodward is experienced in couples counselling..



Not sure about where you would like to be seen? Want somewhere that is close to home? We have offices in both Holland Park and Bulimba.. Check out our location page for further details...

Hurt due to a criminal act?

Hurt due to a criminal act?

Going through the Victim of Crime Assistance Program? Need therapy/emotional support? We are here to help... and have many years of experience.

Recently diagnosed?

Recently diagnosed?

Our Holland Park Clinical Psychologist, Dr Rana Woodward has many years of experience supporting clients that have been diagnosed or treated for cancer... Let us support you through this process.... You don't have to do it alone...

Do you work for QPS/QAS?

Do you work for QPS/QAS?

Have you been physically/psychologically injured? (referred for adjustment to injury counselling?/Workcover?) Need to see someone that has the experience, understanding and isn't part of the system? Your confidentiality is our priority... Call us... We get it and have seen many QPS/QAS workers .. We shall support you in whatever you need... Call our Principal Clinical Psychologist, Belinda for a chat about how we can help 0459 270 146

Non-Binary? Need support?

Non-Binary? Need support?

Come and see us, we get it... Belinda is at our Bulimba office and sees many NB folk...

Sexual abuse/trauma...?

Sexual abuse/trauma...?

We see many people who have experienced sexual abuse and trauma.. Come see us.. we can help...

We even work Saturdays...

We even work Saturdays...

Although they are in high demand...

Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss

Have you lost someone close to you and feel stuck or lost? Dr Rana Woodward has many years of experience in grief and loss... Dont' be afraid to call....

This is us.....

This is us.....

Don't be afraid to call.. we get it.. :) Phone our friendly reception team on (07) 3191 6080 to book an appointment



Have you or a loved one suffered from psychosis or have Schizophrenia? Come and see us... We get it.. and have worked with (and helped) many people over the years ..

Is a loved one Trans?

Is a loved one Trans?

Family member trans/LGBTIQ? Needing support, further understanding? Come see us, we can help. Belinda sees many couples and family members supporting their loved ones through transition and coming out. Call her for a chat to see if she could help you and your family too. 0459 270 146

Help is here...

Help is here...

Book an appointment today ...

We offer Clinical Supervision

We offer Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision is offered for both Masters Students and General/Clinical Psychologists.. We are Clinically endorsed with the Australian Psychological Society and STAP trained... We also offer supervision/mentorship for psychologists wishing to start their own private practice..

Hiding from yourself?

Hiding from yourself?

Ring us... We don't judge.. (07) 3191 6080.. Our pracitce manager Cassandra is LGBTIQ inclusive and affirmative

Stressed? Overwhelmed?

Stressed? Overwhelmed?

Ask us how our Holland Park Psychologist, Rana can help...

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?

Nightmares? Flashbacks? Come see us.. We understand and can help...

Feeling lost within yourself?

Feeling lost within yourself?

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy can assist people to develop a deeper understanding of themselves which in turn can alleviate psychological symptoms..... We have appointments available at our Bulimba office with Belinda who has over 12 years of experience in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy..

We see people on Workcover..

We see people on Workcover..

Brisbane Southside Psychology

581 Old Cleveland Road

Camp Hill Q 4152




Brisbane Clinical Psychologist
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